Monday, March 3, 2008

Not a whole lot new going on....

So, here's some new pics of the girls.

Sierra walking around

Sisterly LOVE

Look at those thighs...I just want to squeeze them. lol

Cute smile (excuse the runny nose)

(I couldn't resist those shirts at Target...these two call themselves
"The TWINS" in Peter Pan)

I'll have to take some "new" pics of Aly and Kayla tonight. Today is "Read Across America Day", and they wore some really cute Jammies to school. Will update later today with their pics.


Jess T said...

Cute! What in the world are you going to do when the girls grow up and there is all of that estrogen in the house! :)LOL.

S said...

they are just so pretty just like mama!!

Katrina said...

Too cute! love the t-shirts, and I just want to squeeze Sierra! hehe. Miss ya!

. said...

Your girls are so beautiful! They should model or something, seriously! <3

Carisa said...

I bet they you get twin comments all the time now! All your girls are simply beautiful!