Wednesday, December 31, 2008

January's Resolution.

As stated in the blog below, I've decided to follow Sheri's 12 month resolutions system. I will have a New Resolution for each month.

This month....I am going with De-Cluttering our house! I WILL work on one room a day/night. I WILL get the stuff taken to GoodWill and the items that need to be thrown away, thrown away. I WILL go through the clothes and get rid of said clothes with any holes, stains, rips, or items that I just know I will NEVER put my kids in. (I am bad for keeping clothes thinking..well maybe someday, somebody will want to wear that. LOL) I WILL get that room clean. Vacuuming, dusting, wiping things down. I so WANT the De-Cluttered and Clean home. That is my Resolution for January.

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