Saturday, September 8, 2007

After a few requests for the starter......

HERE IT IS.... =-)

Sourdough Starter

Combine in a large wide-mouthed crockery or glass jar:

1 package active dry yeast
2 cups lukewarm water: 85*
2 cups all-purpose flour

Stir with a Wooden spoon-never use any metal. Let stand uncovered at 80*-90* for 4 to 7 days, or until it bubbles and emits a good sour odor. During this period, stir down once a day; if a crust develops, stir it down also. Use at once or refrigerate until ready to do so. (this is after the 4-7 days. I also covered mine with a paper towel or cheesecloth to keep bugs out.)

To replenish, discard all but 1 cup of the starter, because any excess, unless reactivated, may become rancid. Add the cupful to:

1 cup all-purpose flour
1 cup lukewarm water

Let stand overnight until fermented and bubbling, then use or refrigerate.

To avoid spoilage, wash the starter crock about once a week with soap and warm water. Rinse well and dry carefully before returning the starter to the crock. You should also replenish (feed/activate) your starter then. See replenish direction above.

At this point, use any Sourdough recipe you like.

I hope you all have fun making bread with your family like we do with ours! Brad tries to bake with the girls at least once a week. =)


Jess said...

Thank you! I have been thinking of trying to track down some sourdough starter because Ella and I are really getting into cooking and baking together. This recipe for starter will come in handy! We bought her a special spoon to use for stirring and she calls it her "mutton moon" for muffin spoon, lol!

I love that Brad bakes with the girls. :-)

tiburon said...

Thanks Mel I appreciate it! I am going to try to recreate my grandpa's sourdough pancakes. :)